Upper Blackfoot Mining Complex Revegetation

Montana Dept. of Justice, Natural Resource Damage Program – Lincoln, MT
The UBMC is a DEQ-regulated Superfund facility located at the headwaters of the Blackfoot River, encompassing the Mike Horse Dam, the Mike Horse Tailings Impoundment, the Upper Blackfoot River and its tributaries. The area has legacy impacts from historic mining activities that seeps from mine tailings, waste repositories, and dam failure.

Watershed Restoration Group has held a revegetation contract with the state for multiple phases of the project. This is a notoriously difficult site with many challenges – environmentally, logically, concerning access, and with very tough soils and substrates for project installation. We successfully met the challenges, and as always, maintained a high-quality implementation.

We installed large-container native plants; built wildlife exclosure fencing; constructed browse control cages; collected native seed for plant propagation; broadcast seeded; collected and spread forest duff; and coordinated plant and material deliveries to the remote site.

Silver Bow Creek Revegetation

Montana Dept. of Justice, Natural Resource Damage Program – Anaconda, MT
For over a decade, yearly planting of 50,000 – 85,000 native plants of varied sizes from 4 cu.in. herbaceous plugs to 30-gallon ball & burlap, coordination of deliveries, appropriate distribution of a diverse mix of 30+ species, browse control fencing construction.


Grand Teton National Park Plant Salvage


Douglas Core Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration