Upper Clark Fork River Super Fund Reach

Silver Bow Creek Revegetation

Montana Dept. of Justice, Natural Resource Damage Program – Anaconda, MT
For over a decade, yearly planting of 50,000 – 85,000 native plants of varied sizes from 4 cu.in. herbaceous plugs to 30-gallon ball & burlap, coordination of deliveries, appropriate distribution of a diverse mix of 30+ species, browse control fencing construction.

Milltown Dam Restoration

Montana Dept. of Justice, Natural Resource Damage Program – ​Milltown, MT
In addition to multiple large-scale and diverse revegetation phases throughout many years of construction, WRG built soil lifts for the newly constructed 3 miles of Clark Fork River channel over a three year period.

Clark Fork River Restoration

Montana Dept. of Justice, Natural Resource Damage Program – Upper Clark Fork River
Collected over 150,000 live willow cuttings for soil lift construction


Mount Haggen Low-Tech Process Based Restoration